Location: Westminster, London
Sector: Architecture - Refurbishment, Office
Size: 4,000 sqft
Year: Completed 2024
The contractor were concerned about faithfully delivering the design so asked able partners to be design managers for the duration of the build ensuring quality was achieved.
Able ran the design management of the project, including the design and implementation of numerous systems which have now been integrated into all current and future Collins projects.

Location: Westminster, London
Sector: Architecture - Refurbishment, Office
Size: 4,000 sqft
Year: Completed 2024
The contractor were concerned about faithfully delivering the design so asked able partners to be design managers for the duration of the build ensuring quality was achieved.
Able ran the design management of the project, including the design and implementation of numerous systems which have now been integrated into all current and future Collins projects.

Location: Westminster, London
Sector: Architecture - Refurbishment, Office
Size: 4,000 sqft
Year: Completed 2024
The contractor were concerned about faithfully delivering the design so asked able partners to be design managers for the duration of the build ensuring quality was achieved.
Able ran the design management of the project, including the design and implementation of numerous systems which have now been integrated into all current and future Collins projects.

Location: Westminster, London
Sector: Architecture - Refurbishment, Office
Size: 4,000 sqft
Year: Completed 2024
The contractor were concerned about faithfully delivering the design so asked able partners to be design managers for the duration of the build ensuring quality was achieved.
Able ran the design management of the project, including the design and implementation of numerous systems which have now been integrated into all current and future Collins projects.

©2025 able partners
©2025 able partners
©2025 able partners
©2025 able partners